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Category: Online magazine publishing

Online Magazine Or News App? The Simple Answer To The Big Question

The publishing industry focuses on digital-oriented distribution channels, like online magazines and news apps, as never before. This is due to a few factors: the development of technology, decreasing interest in print issues and thus lowering advertising revenues, a new, more tech-savvy generation of readers, or the Covid-19 pandemic complicating traditional distribution.

The publishers’ goal is always the same – find this kind of digital publishing solution that will help with growing and maintaining their own distribution channels, simultaneously, will secure online sales, maximize the revenue, allow them to stay present in the competitive market, and respond to the readers’ needs.

– What would be better to achieve it: an online magazine or a news app? – we often hear this question.

In most cases, our answer is “both”.

Why? What role do these solutions play in the magazine publishing world? Why do they work best when are used together?

Come and get to know it.