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Category: Interviews

Interviews with publishers. Learn from interesting personas of publishing.

10 Top Digital Publishing Experts You Should Know

Digital publishing revolution has turned upside down magazines and newspapers industry, as well as significantly affected book market and changed the perception of academic and kids publications. Now, all these fields are connected by one common factor – the possibility of distribution thanks to digital platforms e.g. mobile apps or online newsstands. The goal is to maximize the potential of the content, reach the wide audience, increase range and revenue. Behind each of the above areas stands a number of digital publishing experts – innovators, successful people, who share their experience and knowledge online. Let’s get to know them!

It would seem that in the era of widespread Internet access, finding any required information is easy, simple and pleasant. Well, it doesn’t resemble staying long hours in libraries and flipping books (it seems like only yesterday!). But is it really easy and fast to get valuable materials thanks to Google research?

We will not argue with the statement that the Internet is an enormous, unlimited source of knowledge. The thing is to know how to use it to find a piece of information which is verified and trustworthy. We all live in the age of multiplicity of data, ubiquitous fake news, quasi-experts’ speeches and paid influencers, where no one checks the source of news before passing it on.

Sheer madness!

The news publishers are one of those who benefit most from these circumstances. They based their business and monetization models (such as paywall and subscriptions) on building loyalty and serving reliable information. Readers surrounded by fake news are ready to pay for high-quality content.

Today, the ability to search and select data is invaluable. It has nothing to do with typing a million terms into the browser and searching various websites for hours – such strategy takes time and doesn’t guarantee success in finding what you are looking for.

Digital publishing knowledge – how to get it?

Mobile Academy for Teachers in the App — a Case Study of WhyBlueSky Project

A women-made team of experts in innovative learning has designed the system that has the potential to grant access to modern education to kids around the World. PressPad is a mobile technology backbone of this teachers app project.

Mobile apps are an integral and natural part of everyday life – we use them to communicate with each other, get the daily news, read magazines, make purchases. But apps potential is much greater and the WhyBlueSky, a Polish-based startup, proves it.

Their overall idea was to create sets of professional training for teachers in Africa. They wanted to reach out to educators located in Nigeria. The question was how to distribute their premium product in the country with limited access to the internet.

The answer was controlled digital distribution with a mobile app from PressPad.


The Cartooning Life of Magazine Cartoonist: Interview with Dan Rosandich

We often think about content as something that is a natural part of our digital life. It’s present all around the digital world and you just have to tap on it, and poof, you got it.

Someone, however, has to create it. Write it, draw it, compile it from the useless chunks of bits into something useful, beautiful, something that generates emotions just like cartoons do.

In this article, I am talking with Dan Rosandich, a magazine’s cartoonist with lifelong experience. His passion to draw and tips for publishers on working with cartoonists.

In our day to day job at PressPad, we answer lots of questions directed by magazine publishers. Most of them are about mobile technology, mobile magazine apps, onboarding print subscribers onto digital magazines and so on. Magazine apps marketing is also among the top subjects.

Childhood is Very Important – Behind the Scenes of The Child City Digital Magazine

Children’s publishing is demanding, and still represented by the fraction of digital publications —children apps — available online.

We’re always happy to put our 2 cents into this fabulous area of digital publishing.

As a father of two I know how hard it might be to learn kids identifying opportunities among the ocean of online threats.

In this case, apps for kids appear to be the great solution for parents to sleep well when kids are on tablets. That’s true not only about magazine apps but all sort of apps of various industries for kids including digital publishing for children.

Efficient Magazine Delivery for Digital Publishers — Case Study

Magazine publishers must find a new way of efficient magazine delivery to win the attention and curiosity of their readers.

Content is a “plague” in our century because in the online world, everything we do is content. Digital traces we leave – likes, comments, check-ins – it’s all content. This enormous “noise” makes publishers’ life harder, like never before. PressPad challenged this problem, how to provide professional content creators with an efficient tool for improving reach among mobile users. Read more to learn all about online magazine delivery.

The Best Videos On Publishing You Should See For Inspiration

Access to unlimited information is a great part of the digital world. We can watch inspiring conferences bringing together all the brilliant minds from all over the world without leaving home. We can travel through time to see how printed magazines were created before the computer age. We can feel the magic of the publishing industry thanks to online videos.

Now, I am going to share with you eight short movies that provide knowledge and inspiration. From design, through case studies, to the history of magazine publishing. Watch and get inspired.

DoodleeBooks: A New Canvas for Interactive Kids Books on iPad

Few months ago we posted an article about children’s publishing, and how easy it is to publish a brilliant children’s book on iPad with PressPad, right from a PDF file. If you, however, are thinking about bringing your book for children to life in more game-like interactive manner and with beautiful voice-over then you want to get to know more about DoodleeBooks.

Digital Magazine, the Modern Communication Channel of Your Company’s Choice

Digital magazines lay on the same evolutionary path blogs do. They help build online identity and just as blogs did in the past, they are successively becoming a must-have online asset for modern companies. In this article, you will hear from our publishers why they have decided to start their own digital publishing ventures.

People Like to Have Their Publications Available Electronically

Interview with Jim Koury of Diversity Rules Magazine.

PressPad gathers publishers from all walks of life. The most crowded segments are dedicated to fashion, lifestyle and LGBT and Diversity Rules Magazine is one among them. It is a niche magazine focusing on the queer community and its allies.

Being Digital Gives Opportunity for People Worldwide to Enjoy Our Magazine – Interview with Craig Muller of the Australian Street Car

Australian Street Car is a car magazine that covers modified cars from early 1900’s through to present day modern cars. It features car shows, drag racing, circuit racing, drifting, and everything else in the Australian car scene.