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Category: Case studies

How High Does The Jacobson Flare Fly? PressPad News Case Study

News app is a multipurpose tool that is becoming more common and affordable for companies of all sizes and budgets. It is offered not only by the largest newspaper publishers but also by local, niche entrepreneurs who want to achieve their business goals like content distribution diversification or monetization. As you’ll see in a moment, a free news app can also be a magnet in the process of attracting readers to paid content such as… another mobile app.

Encouraging readers to visit your website, read content, download a free news app or take some other action is one thing – converting a website visitor or an app user into a customer who buys or subscribes is a different story.

A newsletter is often given as an example of a tool that plays the role of a free sample attracting readers to paid content. If you properly encourage people to sign up for it, and then you regularly provide them with tailored content, it will lead you to great effects measured in numbers of subscribers.

It is similar with a free news app. Downloading it by the readers guarantees constant contact with the brand, what builds trust and makes them get into a habit. As an effect, it leads to the desired action – a purchase of a product: a magazine issue, a subscription, or anything else.

A paid mobile app may also be such a product.

Does it sound interesting? It is just the beginning.

If you want to know what role can free news app play in the marketing of a paid app, come into the fascinating case study of The Jacobson Flare.

PressPad on the Trail of the Best Digital Subscription Strategies

News publishers are real winners of technological changes taking place in the publishing industry in the last years. The variety of digital distribution platforms allows them to reach every corner of the world with the content in live mode, as well as monetize successfully, for example, thanks to subscriptions. The strategy based on restricting access to the content allows increasing digital publications revenue and managing the offer of print and digital issues in the most profitable way.

The subscription business model is far from being a new invention. It was used by publishers of books and periodicals in the 17th century. It has been functioning in print for years, bringing publishers profits from selling regular access to the product. With the development of digital platforms, it has also appeared in the online sphere and has been adapted by many businesses and websites successively.

The year of the rise of subscriptions in digital news was 2020. This way of monetization became a top revenue strategy for publishers of all sizes and everything indicates that this trend will be continued.

Let’s take a look at five interesting subscription models that were implemented by well-known publishers. How do they monetize their content?

What Does the End of Adobe Flash Mean for Digital Publishers?

Some people think of it with a tear in their eyes; others claim with relief that it’s a natural necessity that had to come some time; the rest feel the excitement of looking for new solutions. The end of Adobe Flash Player planned on December 31, 2020, is already a certainty. It will bring digital publishers new, exciting challenges in their business functioning.

In 2007, Mark Anders, back then an Adobe employee, described the Flash as a new publishing tool of the century, and pointed out how it changes the digital world: “We have let more people publish – whether it’s blogging or having a MySpace page, or uploading to YouTube”. He probably didn’t expect then that a decade later Adobe would announce the death of this technology.

Although it cannot be denied that Flash had a huge contribution to the development of Internet websites and digital magazines, its time has come to an end. Today we are getting ready to say goodbye to this technology for good.

What does it mean for publishers who have used digital publishing platforms based on Flash?

How to Reach 3.5 Million Readers in a Year? Romania Insider Case Study

For online publishing businesses, establishing different digital distribution channels and building an engaged audience around a brand are as important as preparing high-quality content. Taking care of all these elements gives a chance for commercial success and profitable digital sales. A mobile app plays a major role in this venture.

Many of PressPad’s customers are following this path of development and achieving great results measured in the number of readers and subscribers. Today we’d like to present to you Romania Insider, a news website whose efforts are leading them to reach over 460,000 readers from all over the world every month (February 2020; with a peak of over 800,000 readers in March 2020) and over 3.5 million people from all over the world every year (2019).

Who are they and what’s the secret of their success?

Let’s take a peek behind the curtain.

Mobile Academy for Teachers in the App — a Case Study of WhyBlueSky Project

A women-made team of experts in innovative learning has designed the system that has the potential to grant access to modern education to kids around the World. PressPad is a mobile technology backbone of this teachers app project.

Mobile apps are an integral and natural part of everyday life – we use them to communicate with each other, get the daily news, read magazines, make purchases. But apps potential is much greater and the WhyBlueSky, a Polish-based startup, proves it.

Their overall idea was to create sets of professional training for teachers in Africa. They wanted to reach out to educators located in Nigeria. The question was how to distribute their premium product in the country with limited access to the internet.

The answer was controlled digital distribution with a mobile app from PressPad.


Using News Apps is Fun — What Readers Say About PressPad News

News apps improve the experience of blog or web magazine on the mobile devices.

They help publishers increase mobile retention to their content and keep readers updated about the latest articles with real-time notifications. That’s more natural and neutral way of communicating to mobile users than sending email newsletters.

Don’t take my word granted. Challenge this statement and explore what readers say about using these type of mobile apps.

Efficient Magazine Delivery for Digital Publishers — Case Study

Magazine publishers must find a new way of efficient magazine delivery to win the attention and curiosity of their readers.

Content is a “plague” in our century because in the online world, everything we do is content. Digital traces we leave – likes, comments, check-ins – it’s all content. This enormous “noise” makes publishers’ life harder, like never before. PressPad challenged this problem, how to provide professional content creators with an efficient tool for improving reach among mobile users. Read more to learn all about online magazine delivery.

How To Promote Your Business Through a Digital Magazine

Companies may use various techniques to promote business and keep filled the top of their sales funnel. Continuous stream of customers dropping into the sales process, is probably, one of the key factor successful businesses do. And in the era of blooming permission marketing this process starts much earlier than it used to be. Blogs, webinars, websites, digital magazines and culture of knowledge sharing is what gain momentum this days. Since the sales is not a one way road anymore, customers come and go penetrating different parts of the standard AARRR sales funnel.

DoodleeBooks: A New Canvas for Interactive Kids Books on iPad

Few months ago we posted an article about children’s publishing, and how easy it is to publish a brilliant children’s book on iPad with PressPad, right from a PDF file. If you, however, are thinking about bringing your book for children to life in more game-like interactive manner and with beautiful voice-over then you want to get to know more about DoodleeBooks.

How To Hire a Freelance Writer – The Myths and Truths

Finding a great writing staff can seem as elusive as the mythical Phoenix, but it doesn’t have to be. In this guest post Melissa of “This Freelancer Life” digital magazine provides a glimpse into the process of hiring the right people for your digital publishing venture.

Getting on My Game Face: a Behind-the-scenes Look at Starting a Digital Magazine by Melissa Van Hoorne

The following article is a guest post by Melissa Van Hoorne. Melissa is a freelance Executive Assistant and Editor and Co-founder of “This Freelancer Life”, an innovative mobile digital magazine for freelancers, by freelancers. She’ll go over an important aspects of digital magazine preparation, and what you should consider when starting a digital magazine from scratch.