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Category: Interviews

Interviews with publishers. Learn from interesting personas of publishing.

From Hobby to Real Business: Interview with Founder of Your Nails Magazine

Your Nails Magazine is all about nails and what involves to be or to become a nail technician. This is strictly trade magazine for professionals in the nail industry founded by Karolina Boczek.

In this article you will also read how digital magazine promotes itself, and what mediums are being used to reach out target readers.

Here Come Useful Ideas from Ian Michael Pogonowski of the OUTFIT Cornwall Magazine

OUTFIT Cornwall Digital Magazine is all about improving people’s lives. Cornwall UK is an exciting and dynamic place to live. There is lots of countryside, sports and water for people to take part in and OUTFIT Cornwall is about getting people out and about, making the most of their lives being healthy in the process.

In this article you will read about the experience and insights from Ian Michael Pogonowski who started his digital magazine in the Summer of 2013.