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Every couple of days we publish three important news for mobile publishing industry. This week we have only one, but a very good one:

Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post. But So Did Amazon

Facts first: Jeff Bezos, charismatic CEO of the internet giant Amazon, buys The Washington Post. Interesting side of that transaction is how media pundits covers that story for past two days. They focus mainly on Bezos buying The Post with his own money, and tried to guess what a man like him can do with a paper like The Post.

We were very happy to see a piece by Cade Metz on Wired today about Bezos/The Washington Post though. Wired is not involved in newspaper business and they tend to see things from a different angle. And Metz clearly saw that although Bezos bought The Post with his own money, the only reason for that is to merge it with Amazon from the outside.

Read the whole story on wired.com

Photo by Dion Hinchcliffe