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Tag: analytics

Three Truths We Found After Analyzing Almost 300,000 Visits to Digital Magazine Websites, You Need to Know

The digital publishing goal is converting website visitors into subscribers and then into buyers, resulting in increasing the sales of online editions on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

The road to achieving this leads through systematic data analysis, understood as deep insights, what provides better knowledge about the visitors’ real needs, and understanding what attracts them most. The result is contributing to engaging readers in content, and building a loyal audience which is a long-term investment worth all the efforts. To succeed with revenue, digital publishers need to understand readers’ behavior and aspects of the online selling process.

Only then they can manage their website effectively, prepare the most engaging content, publish in their rush hours, and in the effect, build strong relationships, earn subscribers, and drive revenue.

There’s not a quick solution to achieve it. However, this process is worth the effort, the more so, there’s a free tool that helps to unveil all the secrets – Google Analytics.

We analyzed ten different digital publishers’ websites gathering around topics like lifestyle, finance, sport. Thanks to Google Analytics we collected data which comes from the last 12 months – from March 2020 to March 2021.

Here are the most intriguing conclusions we received that might be significant for digital publishers and their monetization process.

Step to Better Decision Making. PressPad News Introduces Advanced Analytics for Blog Apps

Real-time analytics and easy-to-understand dashboards are an important tool in the modern publishers’ toolbox. Now it is also a part of PressPad News platform.

If someone asked me, what is the most important thing in running their own company, I would say that it is not business acumen and experience, as many people would think. Both come with time. What about intuition? It is based on the analysis of trends and the needs of your market niche.

So where is the secret of making right business decisions?

What is in common for successful brands is data analysis. Companies such as Google and Amazon prove how data mining could make business better.