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Tag: magazine publishers

ChatGPT and Magazine Publishers — New Friendship in the Business World

The artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot called ChatGPT, which has taken the world by storm, increasingly boldly enters the publishing business. Although it’s not perfect and still needs a lot of improvement, we can already say that it has significant potential to drive the next revolution of the digital magazine world.

Along with announcing the release of the free version of ChatGPT, the public went on reconnaissance — to be more specific, 100 million users in just over two months since launch. People logged in to get answers to the most diverse questions that could pop into their heads. The Internet has been flooded with screenshots of these (sometimes ridiculous) dialogues. The result? Some said there was nothing to be fascinated with, others, on the contrary, that there is unlimited potential in this tool.

So, who is right?

Basically, both. The ChatGPT needs a lot of improvement and at this point, it is not able to fully replace full-time employees. However, it can help them a lot, especially if we are talking about magazine publishers.

The Importance of Digital Transformation for Magazine Publishers in 2023

We live in an incredible age, an age of digital transformation. We witness enormous yet fascinating changes touching almost every industry in the world. It is no different from the publishing business. Magazine publications are right in the middle of the process of the digital revolution and this year seems to be a crucial moment for them.

What we are observing right now is no more no less a digital transformation spilling over to every aspect of publishing. This process is compared by many to a breakthrough on the scale of the invention of the printing movable type. If we want to understand the details of this development and its consequences fully, we must go far beyond turning a paper page into a screen view.

How far? That is the question you’ll find the answer in the following article.