We create mobile apps for magazine publishers.
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FlightSim magazine is the one of the world's to flight simulation specific publications! Released bi-monthly, each and every issue is packed full of awesome flight-simulation content. Anything from reviews, to tutorials, to giveaways and more can be found inside! Founded in 2013, we are currently the newest operation flight simulation specific magazine, and have what we like to think of as the "freshest" viewpoints, the "sharpest" humor, and the most "crisp" design.
Breathe Parkour Magazine is the worlds only printer Parkour magazine that focuses on the world's faster growing extreme sport. Parkour is getting from point A to point B in your urban environment as efficiently as possible.
The Institute of Development Management (Jaipur, Rajasthan) launched a quarterly Journal in January 2013 with the objective of presenting critical views on developmental issues. The Journal of Development Management (ISSN 2321-0761 Print) can also be read online (ISSN 2347-6303). In addition to the main theme of each issue of the Journal, we take regular features on Gender, RTI, Law and Institutional profiles etc.
Find all the photography tips you need to improve your photography skills.
With more than 1.9 million copies & 66 issues in print, Baja Real Estate Guide is a trusted resource for great real estate deals in Los Cabos.
Dwumiesięcznik Custom to na polskim rynku jedyny w swoim rodzaju magazyn motocyklowy. Unikamy tego co typowe. Opisujemy motocykle Customowe budowane w Polsce i za granicą. Jesteśmy z obiektywem wszędzie tam, gdzie można spotkać ludzi z pasją customizingu. Odwiedzamy wystawy, konkursy i zloty. Relacjonujemy wyścigi dragsterów i motocykli zabytkowych. Od 6 lat organizujemy Mistrzostwa Polski w Budowie Motocykli Customowych, będące jedną z eliminacji Mistrzostw Europy Wschodniej V4. Teraz magazyn Custom dostępny jest także na Twoim Ipadzie!
Meaning “Blue Crane” in isiXhosa, Indwe is a vibrant business lifestyle inflight magazine for South African Express Airways. With an intent to highlight southern Africa's diverse destinations and cultures and to give exposure to the characters, ambassadors and business giants of the African renaissance, Indwe provides an impartial and exciting balance of content ranging from news and information; business and entertainment features; travel and destination features; arts, culture and lifestyle; as well as motoring and sports that informs and entertains both the on-flight and off-flight reader.
Started in 1994, the Jack Kirby Collector is a quarterly magazine about the life and career of comic book artist Jack Kirby, who has been dubbed the "King" of comic books. Kirby is the most prolific creator in comic book history, having created or co-created most of the iconic Marvel Comics superheroes, including the Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Silver Surfer, Captain America, Thor, the Avengers, and many others. Fully authorized by the Kirby Estate, each issue contains feature articles about Jack's 50 years in comic books, interviews with Kirby and those who knew and worked with him, plus rare and unpublished artwork from his personal archives. ================================== Order each issue individually, or SUBSCRIBE to get access to EVERY ITEM for a full year! Published quarterly. Produced by TwoMorrows Publishing.