Digital publishing solutions are the answer to rapidly growing readership trends: consuming news on mobile devices, getting magazines via an app and buying publications in browsers thanks to online payments. The goal is to enable publishers to create, distribute and monetize their content in a way corresponding to the above mentioned digitalization tendencies.
The technological development resulted in the appearance of the requirement to implement digital publishing solutions. Today, the IT companies improving electronic text formats, designing mobile devices and digital software, fulfill the essential role also in a different field – they are designating online publishing trends.
PressPad responds to these trends by creating three flagship digital publishing solutions.
How has the publishing world changed?
Many publishers have been forced to change their existing business strategies and open to new distribution channels. The arrival of new, multiple digital solutions and platforms became a way to reach modern multi-devices readers, and a possibility to grow revenue.
Now, achieving business goals in the digital space is within every publishers’ reach.
PressPad Digital Publishing Company understands the specific nature of today’s speed of technological changes and common needs to adapt to them. Their solutions for digital publishers allow the distribution of diverse online content in an easy and effective way, without long-term commitments and risk.
Ideas of digital publishing solution
Eight years of PressPad’s experience resulted in the launch of a number of digital publishing tools that have gained the publishers’ trust and have fulfilled the readers’ expectations.
- Digital Newsstand
- Mobile Magazine Apps
- News Apps
These solutions for publishers enable them to create dedicated digital newsstands for online PDF issues, mobile magazine apps, and the native news apps for WordPress, without coding skills. Each of those tools has its own control panel designed to follow the simplicity principle.
Digital Newsstand
PressPad Store digital publishing software allows you to monetize traffic on more than one website and realize transactions on a site with one of the lowest commissions. This Web Kiosk enables instant publishing and selling PDF publications in a custom touch.
Thanks to the possibility of installing the Store anywhere on the Internet, digital publishers can increase the sales effectively, using the potential of websites’ and blogs’ Internet traffic. After easy install the web-based kiosk is up and running within minutes, so buying and reading content online in website browsers is available for readers immediately.
Take a look at the example of an e-kiosk flipbook PressPad made for one of their customers Magasinet Norske Hjem – a Norwegian interior magazine related to architecture, gardening, and design. Thanks to one of the PressPad’s digital publishing solutions, they are selling content independently without the division of cost on their own website. Their readers can buy a PDF edition of the magazine and read it in their browser.

Michael Opydo, the CEO of PressPad, when asked about the main PressPad Store value, he said:
If your reader wants to buy subscription he can do it on site, without being moved to any external, transactional services. The whole purchasing process takes place where it has started. This way we make sure to maximize conversions by minimizing distraction.
He also listed three valuable features:
- quick and reliable payments authentication
- PDF protection preventing download or share paid content without permission
- integrating PDFs with YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and Slideshare
Readers who want to buy digital issues can use their existing Google, PayPal or Facebook accounts to quickly authorize themselves, what makes the purchasing process efficient and effortless. People buy access to publications via online payments and can read in the same browser immediately, without being able to access the raw PDF file.
For the publishers’ convenience, the PressPad digital publishing platform doesn’t require to create any widgets or implement anything else to provide beautiful media players inside the publication. All you need is a hyperlink to one of the supported media. Integrating PDFs with YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and Slideshare is attracting readers much more than the printed text.
PressPad Store, as an online publishing solution for selling PDF access, offers great reading experience in a flip page manner across multiple devices (e.g. on PCs, Macs or tablets, etc.). Readers can enjoy your content with flexible zooming and easy navigation with thumbnails.
More than a digital publishing platform for magazines
Thinking about the publishing industry as a whole, including different types of publications, PressPad created Web Store as a digital publishing solution for magazines publishers and as a platform for book authors to self-publish online.
Opening up to this kind of digital content distribution and creating an online newsstand or a digital book store, brings publishers, authors and content creators a lot of benefits: they can be closer to their loyal readers, reach out to new ones, achieve global range, and increase revenue. The digital library with unlimited storage allows the readers 24/7 access to all the digital editions including back issues.
Mobile Magazine Apps
Reaching mobile users and building brand awareness on app stores have become business goals for magazine publishers. PressPad Magz is a straight way to achieve them. This mobile publishing platform puts your magazine on the biggest digital Newsstands in the world: Apple App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore.
Thanks to PressPad Magz, free global distributing or selling on mobile devices is possible without coding skills. Digital magazine apps are created from existing PDF files without rebuilding them, what saves the publishers’ time. While uploading an issue, the system automatically generates a sample of it. Publishers can manage their magazine apps via an intuitive web-based dashboard. Once an app is live in the App Store, publishing a new issue takes literally minutes.
With PressPad digital solution for magazines, publishers can monetize also on their past issues. One of the key features of this software is unlimited hosting to store PDFs, allowing for the upload of the entire archive. Mobile magazine app is also a great way to keep readers to the content thanks to the offline reading mode – it makes all content accessible even in the flight mode.
Creating branded and interactive digital magazine apps with PressPad solution makes mobile publishing convenient and profitable in the distributing as well as promoting field.
Digital marketing tools boost the mobile publishing experience
The maximum usage of the PressPad Magz online marketing possibilities is available for every digital publisher thanks to the following supporting tools:
- Push Notifications
- Email Notifications
- Facebook Newsstand
- Dedicated Web Store
- Dedicated Landing Page
- Issuu integration
- Social Media Sharing
Such a digital solution for publishers as a mobile app makes it impossible for the readers to forget about the magazines’ brand – push notification will send customized messages on their device or notify them about the latest article. Also, adjusting contrast and text size can significantly increase the comfort of reading blogs’ or magazines’ content on your mobile. Even if users can’t read an article right after getting a notification, there is a possibility of saving interesting content for later.
Social media integrations allow for Facebook/Twitter to stream inside an app. Readers can share content quickly and easily, increasing ranges and visibility of publications without the publishers’ participation.
News Apps
Native mobile apps for WordPress publishers enable opportunities to monetize on mobile, boost communication with readers, improve the quality of Internet traffic to the content and increase blog retention. PressPad News focuses on digital publishers’ needs to build brand awareness on mobile for an online web magazine.
This digital publishing solution turns WordPress content into a mobile app, providing a top-quality and highly effective mobile distribution process.
Engaging readers thanks to PressPad News features
Digital publishing solutions should be designed in such a way so as to increase the readers engagement in the content. PressPad News features meet these expectations with a vengeance.
Thanks to Rich Push Notifications your readers won’t miss the latest article. The app will inform them about every new content and will allow them to read it even without internet access. Attaching photos will make the notifications more eye-catching and memorable.
Push Notifications together with Paywall are the most powerful tools for digital news publishers to become independent of Facebook and Google – Michael Opydo says and continue – Whilst global technology companies are dominating the advertising and traffic market in digital space, newspapers should use their own distribution channels, e.g. mobile app, to monetize online content.
PressPadNews also allows for Disqus and Facebook Comments mobile integration. Thanks to this feature people can share their thoughts, discuss the articles and blog posts – it proves to be one of the greatest tactics to engage them in content.
Monetizing online magazine with a mobile app
Digital solution for online magazines created by PressPad is equipped with tools which lead straight to achieving your monetizing goals.
Native mobile ads channel for a web magazine provides a better user experience and helps publishers boost content revenue.
- Google Adsense is perfectly matched to the look of magazine content, so reading on mobile devices is pleasing and comfortable.
- AdMob is focused on matching ads to the app based on criteria the publishers will set, so that users get accurate, attractive and highest performing ads which are perfectly matched to them.
In order to facilitate the process of getting more subscribers (and, as a result, increasing revenue), PressPad added to their news apps the possibility of setting up Paywall. Publishers can offer occasional readers free access to the defined number of articles and a free preview of every article.
Another improvement is connecting the publishers mobile app with Google Analytics via in-app integration. Tracking total installations, getting knowledge about the most popular articles and observing the results of Push Notifications campaigns are a huge step to better decision making and, as a result, earning more.
Digital publishing solutions in a holistic approach
In the age of incredible speed of consuming content by demanding readers, PressPad proves that digital publishers can still successfully achieve their business goals thanks to easy to use online publishing solutions.
Whether these are blogs, e-books, web magazine issues or online reports, publishers can monetize content thanks to digital software that fits their needs: mobile magazine apps, online PDF issues kiosks or news apps. The places used to promotional purpose have become distribution channels as well; the point is to use them properly.
Apart from offering digital tools for publishers, PressPad also educates on the subject of online publishing, app marketing, and content marketing via their blog and courses. All their products and activities are the effect of attentive listening to the publishers’ voice.
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