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Revista social para emprendedores. Se trata de una revista gratuita, colaborativa y social sobre innovación y emprendimiento. En la revista encontrarás artículos sobre modelos de negocio no convencionales que se puedan desarrollar con un capital mínimo, ideas de negocio innovadoras alrededor del mundo, así como herramientas y artículos útiles e inspiracionales. Tenemos como objetivo el inspirar y promover el emprendimiento e innovación empresarial. Además somos la primera revista social para emprendedores y PYMES, ya que con lo generado se financian proyectos emprendedores y se crean programas gratuitos sobre educación empresarial. La revista Teinspira ha sido ideada por un entusiasta del emprendimiento que cree ciegamente en la inteligencia única de cada persona, el positivismo y el poder de la colaboración social. La revista Teinspira pretende ser el primer paso hacia la búsqueda de un modelo de vida distinto.
The Hunter Blackboard is a magazine that celebrates the best of the Hunter Valley - from concerts and events, favourite restaurants, cellar doors and world class wine, wine tours, day spas, galleries to the best local shopping experiences. The Hunter Blackboard provides the reader with a welcoming and informative approach to all that is happening in the Hunter Valley each month with fun events, feature stories, interviews and regular columns to ensure that this is the magazine people reach for every time.
Fashion Magazine for iPad Description Cliche Magazine is a fashion magazine for iPad and one of the best free fashion magazines online. With a monthly readership of over 250,000, Cliché Magazine is the premiere digital Fashion, Lifestyle, Entertainment and Pop Culture Magazine. Vibrant and noteworthy editorial content with the highest standards of journalistic integrity keep this digital fashion magazine ahead of its competition in the online space of digital publications.
Vanquish World magazine is the latest initiative to showcase the best of talent in Fashion, Photography, Make-Up, Styling, Designing and related streams in Northern Ireland, and the UK. Getting published is seen as an out of the reach issue by a lot of budding talent, and it is sometimes the market reach in terms of showcasing their talent or portfolios to their prospective customers is what limits the potential, Vanquish is there to fill this gap by giving confidence to amateur talent an opportunity to get published alongside some the most experienced and the best in the industry. The magazine is available online via press pad and by print on demand via Blurb. The first issue launched on 15 March 2014, features 120 delightful to watch pages featuring recent work of photographers i.e. Marc Evans, Luke Woodford, Glenn Norwood, Ross McKelvey, Magic Owens and many others including some of Ash Khosla & Ricky Woodside. It also has portfolio images of models who are just starting in the industry, interviews of budding artists, and interesting and useful content with advice for amateur and budding artists.
The National Magazine on the Bahamas tourism and cultural industry. Essence Bahamas Magazine is design for these various individuals in mind; leisure, business, singles, couples, families, and groups travelers planning their next vacation to the Bahamas. This magazine acts as a guide for our diverse customers base with vital information on our tourism and cultural product, current events, reviews, press releases, various features covered in our magazine, and our music of the Bahamas. We have over 700 islands for you to explore our paradise on earth, various landmarks throughout our archipelago of islands for you to visit, historic and heritage tours, fine dining, nightlife, an array of renown resorts and time share vacation rental properties, and our most intriguing junkanoo festival.
Fab is a woman focused magazine we aim to inspire and keep women in the loop about what is current whether its fashion, cars , tech , politics or business.
Serenade is the story of one woman's path of love and revenge, as Serena Park avenges the death of her husband by 'the lucky seven'. This is a psychological thriller that is for mature readers. RU: «Серенада» – это рассказ о любви и мести женщины. Серена Парк мстит за смерть мужа от рук «счастливой семерки». Это психологический триллер для взрослых. FR: La Sérénade est une histoire de l’amour et de la vengeance d’une femme. Serena Park se venge de la meurtre de son mari par « Lucky Seven ». C’est un thriller psychologique pour un lecteur mature. DE: Serenade ist eine Geschichte über Liebe und Rache einer Frau. Serena Park rächt sich für den Tod ihres Mannes von der Glückssieben. Das ist ein psychologischer Thriller für einen erwachsenen Leser. PL: Serenade to opowieść o miłości i zemście kobiety. Serena Park mści się za śmierć męża z ręki szczęśliwej siódemki. Jest to thriller psychologiczny dla dojrzałego czytelnika. Spanish: "Serenade" es la historia de el camino del amor y la venganza de una mujer, como Serena Parque vengará la muerte de su marido a la "Lucky Seven". Se trata de un thriller psicológico que es para lectores maduros. Portugal: "Serenade" é a história do caminho de uma mulher de amor e vingança, como Serena Parque vinga a morte de seu marido para 'a sete afortunados'. Este é um thriller psicológico que é para leitores maduros. IT: "Serenade" è la storia della vicenda dell'amore e della vendetta di una donna, Serena Park, che vendica la morte di suo marito con i "Lucky Seven". Si tratta di un thriller psicologico destinato per lettori maggiorenni.