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Month: March 2019

How to Use Mobile Apps Technology to Attract Readers to Your Magazine?

Attracting readers to your magazine is both a science and art because of mobile technology influence readers’ behavior. That’s a challenge for the publishing industry.

Modern readers are digitally-flexible – they are adapting well to new, varied sources of getting information, and they are absorbing technological novelties with ease. These factors made linear decision-making consumer’s journey obsolete.

Publishers don’t have an easy life, do they?

The key to making it easier lies in the answer to the following question: how are the publishing process and reading habits evolving as a result of the technological change; and what opportunities this knowledge opens to the publisher?

The current state of the publishing industry can be best described in two words: continued evolution.

With the ongoing technological changes, the publishers face decreasing readers’ attention span, so creating mobile-optimized content, and sales funnels is a must.

Sounds interesting? Let’s get started.