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Month: January 2022

How Has ECommerce Conquered the Digital Publishing World and What Has Come from It?

The experienced publishers, running their business for years, have well-structured and great working sales funnels. So they diversify content adjusted to defined target groups accordingly to the different purchase stages. As a result, their sale is growing. What if they want to develop their digital publishing company even more? There’s a way; something that goes beyond content sales. After all, no one has said that this is the only product publishers can sell.

Let’s play with the words for a while – a digital publishing business is a company reaching not readers but customers by offering them not content but products. Everything seems to be correct, but there is a subtle difference, isn’t it?

Talking about the publisher as an entrepreneur broadens the perspective and gives more earning possibilities.

For most publishers, the main sources of revenue are advertising and subscribing. Both methods are strictly related to content. What about monetization as an entrepreneur, a business owner? Well, it is more about the sales of goods.

Content is a core publishers’ product but it doesn’t have to be the only one they offer.

As an entrepreneur, you can sell different things, even more so you have a bunch of loyal fans, a ton of data, and business experience. Why can’t you offer backpacks and mugs if you publish a travel magazine?

Maybe it’s time to take a step further in your digital publishing venture and think seriously about eCommerce as a way to diversify income.