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Tag: digital distribution

5 Doubts About Print Magazine Online Clarified by PressPad

Modern publishing is something more than a choice between print and digital. The debates taking place in recent years about whether digital will replace print and when it will come should really be a discussion about the proportions of demand for these two publishing versions. If you want to run a print magazine online, it doesn’t have to mean reducing or eliminating paper editions – it’ll be more like a distribution extension and maybe a path to sustaining your newsroom in the digital future.

Print magazine online as a subject of particular interest raises some doubts. These are related to the role it plays in the publishing business, the PDF replicas usage, the safety of the distribution process, and the availability of this solution.

This article aims to clarify the above doubts and answer questions many publishers asked about print magazines online. Do you want to get the whole truth about it?

Content Distribution Diversification, a Critical Tactic to Effective Monetization

Enter the new digital reality of distributed content: uncover online platforms, choose tools to improve capabilities, continuously analyze the situation, and the fight against the giants. Sound like the outline of an adventure video game? You couldn’t be more wrong! These are the challenges waiting for publishers today on their digital journey. But what exactly are these challenges and how should publishers respond to them?

Only a few years ago, the critical question publishers asked themselves was: to be or not to be digital? Today, online content publishing is a global trend which doesn’t mean resigning from print at all but provides new distribution and monetization possibilities for all kind of publishers including book publishers and the authors alone.

You will learn why and how digital publishers and authors should diversify their distribution and monetization channels. I will also clarify why the newsletter and branded mobile apps contribute to building a loyal audience and engage readers.

Mobile Academy for Teachers in the App — a Case Study of WhyBlueSky Project

A women-made team of experts in innovative learning has designed the system that has the potential to grant access to modern education to kids around the World. PressPad is a mobile technology backbone of this teachers app project.

Mobile apps are an integral and natural part of everyday life – we use them to communicate with each other, get the daily news, read magazines, make purchases. But apps potential is much greater and the WhyBlueSky, a Polish-based startup, proves it.

Their overall idea was to create sets of professional training for teachers in Africa. They wanted to reach out to educators located in Nigeria. The question was how to distribute their premium product in the country with limited access to the internet.

The answer was controlled digital distribution with a mobile app from PressPad.


Digital Publishing Solutions – the Right Way to Monetize Online Content?

Digital publishing solutions are the answer to rapidly growing readership trends: consuming news on mobile devices, getting magazines via an app and buying publications in browsers thanks to online payments. The goal is to enable publishers to create, distribute and monetize their content in a way corresponding to the above mentioned digitalization tendencies.

The technological development resulted in the appearance of the requirement to implement digital publishing solutions. Today, the IT companies improving electronic text formats, designing mobile devices and digital software, fulfill the essential role also in a different field – they are designating online publishing trends.

PressPad responds to these trends by creating three flagship digital publishing solutions.

Paid Digital Distribution of Magazines and Books Redefined As PressPad Offers a New Type of Digital Newsstands

PressPad, a digital publishing SaaS company from Cracow, Poland, has just launched an e-commerce solution for PDF magazines and self-publishers. Their goal is to enable publishers to be able to monetize traffic on more than one website and realize transactions on site with one of the lowest commissions.

How to Create a Stunning Web Magazine — WordPress Publishing Technology Review

Before you think how to tweak web magazine to create the stunning reading experience imagine this… Digital Publishing has been changing since original iPad announcement.

What is digital publishing today, what’s the role of WordPress publishing and web magazines, and how to grasp it for your own convenience? In this article, I will provide the recipe from the publishing technology point of view.