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Tag: digital publishing

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Publishing: A Guide for Magazine Publishers

The debate about the changes, trends, and direction of growth in the digital publishing industry is not a discussion about books and magazines. It is a debate about the development of technology or, to be more specific, about how it has changed our daily lives. This impact is much greater than we think.

It comes to your attention when you observe kids. Have you had a chance recently to see how a few-year-old children open and use a notebook or a book today? If not, prepare to be shocked. One of the recent reports shows they are trying to swipe or tap pages like a smartphone or tablet. 

We can not blame them. These kids were born in a world full of interactive screens which were put in their hands from an early age. They treat every paper-page thing in the same way as devices, reflexively and intuitively. 

For such a tech-savvy generation (and each next one will be even more agile), traditional publications will be unattractive and simply boring. It’s like someone would order you to communicate with them by writing a letter on a typewriter instead of sending a message on one of the popular channels.

You can do it, but to what end?

6 Benefits of Integrating Multimedia into Your Digital Publication

There is only one simple solution that gives digital magazines unlimited opportunities to attract readers and engage them to such an extent they come back. It’s called multimedia.

If you think about it, publishers have always tried offering more than just plain text in their publications.

Let’s go back to the days of publishing broadsheet newspapers when the common practice for editors was to enlist artists to sketch and report on news events. That was a profession! Soon after, technological development brought a revolution in photography and newspapers began to feature pictures routinely — initially in black and white, later, in color, causing a bit of a sensation.

Today, probably no one can imagine printed magazines and newspapers without photographs or other graphic forms inside.

The same process took place in digital publications. Here we also had to deal with transitioning from a wall of plain text displayed on screens to diversification with various graphical ways of presenting information, depending on the current state of technological development.

Taking this into account, the question arises — what is it about photos and images that make publishers want to include them in their publications?

Why Converting Your Print Magazine to a Digital Publication is a Must-Have in 2023

Stop for a moment. Look carefully at people around you: bored in the crowded commute, exasperated in long queues at shops, relaxed on benches in parks on sunny days. Is anybody reading a paper publication? If so, how many people are doing it? To compare – how many are staring at their smartphones or laptops? No matter where you are, we will bet the answers and proportions between these numbers will be similar.

This is because the on-screen reading trend is global. Nowadays, we all hear about large publishing houses, newspaper and magazine corporations which rebrand their strategies, limit some parts of their print titles, and move their efforts to the Internet. It doesn’t happen without a reason. On the contrary, there are a number of arguments why converting a print magazine to a digital publication is a must-have in 2023. 

In this article, you will see the most important ones.

How Has ECommerce Conquered the Digital Publishing World and What Has Come from It?

The experienced publishers, running their business for years, have well-structured and great working sales funnels. So they diversify content adjusted to defined target groups accordingly to the different purchase stages. As a result, their sale is growing. What if they want to develop their digital publishing company even more? There’s a way; something that goes beyond content sales. After all, no one has said that this is the only product publishers can sell.

Let’s play with the words for a while – a digital publishing business is a company reaching not readers but customers by offering them not content but products. Everything seems to be correct, but there is a subtle difference, isn’t it?

Talking about the publisher as an entrepreneur broadens the perspective and gives more earning possibilities.

For most publishers, the main sources of revenue are advertising and subscribing. Both methods are strictly related to content. What about monetization as an entrepreneur, a business owner? Well, it is more about the sales of goods.

Content is a core publishers’ product but it doesn’t have to be the only one they offer.

As an entrepreneur, you can sell different things, even more so you have a bunch of loyal fans, a ton of data, and business experience. Why can’t you offer backpacks and mugs if you publish a travel magazine?

Maybe it’s time to take a step further in your digital publishing venture and think seriously about eCommerce as a way to diversify income.

How High Does The Jacobson Flare Fly? PressPad News Case Study

News app is a multipurpose tool that is becoming more common and affordable for companies of all sizes and budgets. It is offered not only by the largest newspaper publishers but also by local, niche entrepreneurs who want to achieve their business goals like content distribution diversification or monetization. As you’ll see in a moment, a free news app can also be a magnet in the process of attracting readers to paid content such as… another mobile app.

Encouraging readers to visit your website, read content, download a free news app or take some other action is one thing – converting a website visitor or an app user into a customer who buys or subscribes is a different story.

A newsletter is often given as an example of a tool that plays the role of a free sample attracting readers to paid content. If you properly encourage people to sign up for it, and then you regularly provide them with tailored content, it will lead you to great effects measured in numbers of subscribers.

It is similar with a free news app. Downloading it by the readers guarantees constant contact with the brand, what builds trust and makes them get into a habit. As an effect, it leads to the desired action – a purchase of a product: a magazine issue, a subscription, or anything else.

A paid mobile app may also be such a product.

Does it sound interesting? It is just the beginning.

If you want to know what role can free news app play in the marketing of a paid app, come into the fascinating case study of The Jacobson Flare.

Magazine Publishers Are The Real Winners Of The New Apple Privacy Policy

Apple is a company that needs no introduction. Together with Facebook and Google, it dominates the technological world and sets the tone for different kinds of businesses. Each, even the smallest change these big three introduce can have a huge impact on the whole world. This is what has happened recently due to announce the new privacy policy by Apple. It’s time to say it loud and clear: magazine publishers are real winners of this situation.

Who would have thought that such a little change would make so much noise?

Guided by the belief that privacy is a fundamental human right and one of their core values, Apple decided to facilitate people’s access to privacy policy settings. They don’t ban tracking but will require app creators to obtain consent from their users to track them.

This little step can make big changes in the advertising market, what many entrepreneurs worry about. However, all the signs indicate that the magazine publishers can sleep peacefully because they can become secure business partners for advertisers.

What changes will Apple introduce? How will it influence magazine publishers? If you want to know answers to these questions, read on.

PressPad on the Trail of the Best Digital Subscription Strategies

News publishers are real winners of technological changes taking place in the publishing industry in the last years. The variety of digital distribution platforms allows them to reach every corner of the world with the content in live mode, as well as monetize successfully, for example, thanks to subscriptions. The strategy based on restricting access to the content allows increasing digital publications revenue and managing the offer of print and digital issues in the most profitable way.

The subscription business model is far from being a new invention. It was used by publishers of books and periodicals in the 17th century. It has been functioning in print for years, bringing publishers profits from selling regular access to the product. With the development of digital platforms, it has also appeared in the online sphere and has been adapted by many businesses and websites successively.

The year of the rise of subscriptions in digital news was 2020. This way of monetization became a top revenue strategy for publishers of all sizes and everything indicates that this trend will be continued.

Let’s take a look at five interesting subscription models that were implemented by well-known publishers. How do they monetize their content?

Digital Magazine Platform Comparison Between Mobile Apps and E-kiosk Flipbooks

Digital magazine publishing is the art of adjusting the content type and distribution platform to the changing readers’ demands, and technological development. No matter what type and size of a publisher you are, finding relevant distribution channels is an integral part of your content marketing strategy. A well-chosen platform brings together special, profiled readers who are actively interested in your brand and are willing to subscribe.

Our 10-year experience has shown us how many publishers, when looking for a distribution platform for their content, face a question – should I choose a mobile app or an e-kiosk flipbook? To dispel the doubts, we decided to point out the main features of both of these solutions – each of them is unique, and meets specific needs.

What kind of needs?

See and find out which solution is tailored to your publishing activity.

Three Truths We Found After Analyzing Almost 300,000 Visits to Digital Magazine Websites, You Need to Know

The digital publishing goal is converting website visitors into subscribers and then into buyers, resulting in increasing the sales of online editions on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

The road to achieving this leads through systematic data analysis, understood as deep insights, what provides better knowledge about the visitors’ real needs, and understanding what attracts them most. The result is contributing to engaging readers in content, and building a loyal audience which is a long-term investment worth all the efforts. To succeed with revenue, digital publishers need to understand readers’ behavior and aspects of the online selling process.

Only then they can manage their website effectively, prepare the most engaging content, publish in their rush hours, and in the effect, build strong relationships, earn subscribers, and drive revenue.

There’s not a quick solution to achieve it. However, this process is worth the effort, the more so, there’s a free tool that helps to unveil all the secrets – Google Analytics.

We analyzed ten different digital publishers’ websites gathering around topics like lifestyle, finance, sport. Thanks to Google Analytics we collected data which comes from the last 12 months – from March 2020 to March 2021.

Here are the most intriguing conclusions we received that might be significant for digital publishers and their monetization process.

10 Years of PressPad – a Story of How to Change the Magazine World Thanks to Digital Publishing Platforms

PressPad celebrates its 10th birthday this year. It is an opportunity to take a trip down memory lane: summarize achievements we got, mention key moments we experienced, talk about challenges we faced. Therefore, we’d like to invite you to read this article, which will allow you to get to know our story better, find out what motivates us, and maybe make you want to create a digital publishing future with us.

Have you ever experienced a moment of suspension when someone asks you what you were doing yesterday and you don’t remember it? It is a strange phenomenon in which we can’t recall what happened literally moments ago. What’s more interesting, sometimes we keep in mind what happened a few years ago better than a day before.

Let’s go back in time… 10 years.

It’s 2011. What does the world talk about?

After 25 years, The Oprah Winfrey Show ends. Many people will miss its sense of humor and wisdom or tens of millions of dollars worth of “Oprah’s Favorite Things” giveaways. The whole world sings “Rolling in the Deep” together with a singer who is a revelation of the music scene – Adele. The word “blockchain” is used in print for the first time. The same year Steve Jobs dies, and Apple Inc. becomes the most valuable company in the world.

This year our story begins. It is the starting point of a series of events that we hadn’t even dreamed of then.

We’d like to invite you to accompany us on our sentimental journey. Hop in!

Digital Typography Guide For Magazine Publishers

Digital typography is a natural phase in the development of writing that has been going on for centuries. Even if at the beginning the technique of arranging type was something that had a pure utility function, it became a part of visual art over time. Choosing the right fonts, the size of the letters, and the space between them are the challenges that every creator of texts, magazines, or websites must face. All of this is to provide people with the pleasure of reading at the highest possible level while maintaining the principles of usability, convenience, and uniqueness of the content. This article has been written to help you achieve these goals.

In the beginning there was the word. Or a letter, in fact. Or actually, it was the typeface. Johannes Gutenberg – does that ring a bell for you? The moment he invented the mechanical movable-type printing press is considered by Europeans to be the beginning of the printing era.

That was the time when it all started.

There was a boom in printing along with creating new characters, designing typefaces, and layouts. Over the years, typography has entered every aspect of our lives, and now (although you probably don’t pay attention to it) it’s absolutely everywhere and surrounds us from every angle of daily life. Don’t believe it?

Look at your books and their spines with the titles; open your kitchen cupboard and peek at the product names on their boxes; dig at the name of your fridge inscribed on its door; enter the shopping center and focus on the names put at the shops’ entrances. Do you already know what I’m talking about?

Today, apart from the traditional typography used in print, its digital counterpart has an equally important place in designing and preparing publications.

Whether you are a publisher, designer, creator of a magazine or a website, or just a font fan, go deeper into this digital typography guide to be able to prepare a stunning online publication.