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Tag: design

6 Benefits of Integrating Multimedia into Your Digital Publication

There is only one simple solution that gives digital magazines unlimited opportunities to attract readers and engage them to such an extent they come back. It’s called multimedia.

If you think about it, publishers have always tried offering more than just plain text in their publications.

Let’s go back to the days of publishing broadsheet newspapers when the common practice for editors was to enlist artists to sketch and report on news events. That was a profession! Soon after, technological development brought a revolution in photography and newspapers began to feature pictures routinely — initially in black and white, later, in color, causing a bit of a sensation.

Today, probably no one can imagine printed magazines and newspapers without photographs or other graphic forms inside.

The same process took place in digital publications. Here we also had to deal with transitioning from a wall of plain text displayed on screens to diversification with various graphical ways of presenting information, depending on the current state of technological development.

Taking this into account, the question arises — what is it about photos and images that make publishers want to include them in their publications?

Layout of a Magazine is More Important Than You Think – See Why

While the magazine cover is like the house door inviting you to come inside, the layout of a magazine is like the interior that makes you want to stay inside.

Do you know the rule of cleaning the house saying that there are three types of things you need to keep: useful, pretty, and those you have an emotional bond with? It is similar to magazines. People buy and read regularly only those publications which are useful, pretty, and have emotional meaning for them.

Each of these three issues – utility, prettiness, emotions – is the responsibility of a different team of people preparing magazines: writers, designers, and marketers. ​​Only their cooperation can lead to success. In this article, we take a look at one of the components of prettiness success – the layout of a magazine.

Why do we focus on this particular part?

As old birds in the publishing business, we think that a layout of a magazine is much more important than everybody thinks.

Digital Typography Guide For Magazine Publishers

Digital typography is a natural phase in the development of writing that has been going on for centuries. Even if at the beginning the technique of arranging type was something that had a pure utility function, it became a part of visual art over time. Choosing the right fonts, the size of the letters, and the space between them are the challenges that every creator of texts, magazines, or websites must face. All of this is to provide people with the pleasure of reading at the highest possible level while maintaining the principles of usability, convenience, and uniqueness of the content. This article has been written to help you achieve these goals.

In the beginning there was the word. Or a letter, in fact. Or actually, it was the typeface. Johannes Gutenberg – does that ring a bell for you? The moment he invented the mechanical movable-type printing press is considered by Europeans to be the beginning of the printing era.

That was the time when it all started.

There was a boom in printing along with creating new characters, designing typefaces, and layouts. Over the years, typography has entered every aspect of our lives, and now (although you probably don’t pay attention to it) it’s absolutely everywhere and surrounds us from every angle of daily life. Don’t believe it?

Look at your books and their spines with the titles; open your kitchen cupboard and peek at the product names on their boxes; dig at the name of your fridge inscribed on its door; enter the shopping center and focus on the names put at the shops’ entrances. Do you already know what I’m talking about?

Today, apart from the traditional typography used in print, its digital counterpart has an equally important place in designing and preparing publications.

Whether you are a publisher, designer, creator of a magazine or a website, or just a font fan, go deeper into this digital typography guide to be able to prepare a stunning online publication.

News App Themes for Magazine Publishers from PressPad

As a response to growing digital publishers’ needs and expectations in the mobile design area, PressPad has expanded app themes offer. At stake is emphasizing the quality of the news content in a great style suiting the magazine line.

If someone told us that making a successful news app is based only on great content, we would add that it’s only half of the truth.

Digital publishers also need a reliable way of surfacing their materials without compromising app functionality.

To make a magazine app memorable, improve mobile readers experience and highlight the value of articles, distinctive design is a must. Eye-catching visuals not only captivate users but also help them focus on a better understanding of what articles are really about. That’s why we have come up with a large diverse collection of mobile app themes which are the part of PressPad News platform.

In this article, we would like to present several unique app themes of publishers who trusted us – it is a result of playing with color schemes, types of fonts, tiles, and pictures.

Let’s explore it!

How a Digital Magazine Can Overcome the Seeming Obstacles of a PDF Format

People read digital magazines. They like to have their favorite content available on mobile devices they have with them—wherever they go, and regardless of what they like. Welcome to the digital era of mobile devices. In this article I am going to present an easy method to achieve the finest reading experience right for your magazine’s PDF.

The origin of the PDF format dates back several years and its creators probably have never thought that it would become so popular. Some say that PDF format equals obstacles, and it sure does, but sometimes what seems to be an obstacle at first, is in fact a pure opportunity waiting to be explored.

In PressPad we use the PDF format as a medium for bringing magazines to mobile users’ hands, and it is all packed into a native mobile app. This way publishers can expand their readership to the mobile world and start selling subscriptions to the enormous base of Apple App Store and Google Play users.

The Best Videos On Publishing You Should See For Inspiration

Access to unlimited information is a great part of the digital world. We can watch inspiring conferences bringing together all the brilliant minds from all over the world without leaving home. We can travel through time to see how printed magazines were created before the computer age. We can feel the magic of the publishing industry thanks to online videos.

Now, I am going to share with you eight short movies that provide knowledge and inspiration. From design, through case studies, to the history of magazine publishing. Watch and get inspired.

Low Cost DTP Software for Creating PDF Files

Designing and creating PDF files does not have to be expansive.

Some of our customers want to find the way to publish while limiting the costs. Most of the magazine designers use InDesign and there is no doubts that it is great, but still pretty expensive software. Here you will find a review of low budget and professional designing tools for designing and creating PDF files.