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Tag: digital publication

How to Leverage Social Media to Promote Your Digital Publication?

Social media ranks incredibly high when it comes to the effective promotion of digital publications. Thanks to them you can actively engage your fans or get constructive feedback from followers, as well as vividly increase the number of readers and subscribers. And the best part is, you have got everything at your fingertips.

It doesn’t mean the only task required is to set up accounts on the most popular social media channels and the rest will fall into place. It never worked this way. Achieving significant and measurable results requires three elements: strategy, engagement, and regularity. 

Sticking up to them along with using tips included in this article is a recipe for effective promotion.

Why Converting Your Print Magazine to a Digital Publication is a Must-Have in 2023

Stop for a moment. Look carefully at people around you: bored in the crowded commute, exasperated in long queues at shops, relaxed on benches in parks on sunny days. Is anybody reading a paper publication? If so, how many people are doing it? To compare – how many are staring at their smartphones or laptops? No matter where you are, we will bet the answers and proportions between these numbers will be similar.

This is because the on-screen reading trend is global. Nowadays, we all hear about large publishing houses, newspaper and magazine corporations which rebrand their strategies, limit some parts of their print titles, and move their efforts to the Internet. It doesn’t happen without a reason. On the contrary, there are a number of arguments why converting a print magazine to a digital publication is a must-have in 2023. 

In this article, you will see the most important ones.