We create mobile apps for magazine publishers.
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Rock Thiz Magazine Is A Monthly Full Color Printed, Digital, & Now On iPhone/iPad Arts & Entertainment,Business,Music Magazine. There is a little bit if everything in it for all ages to enjoy. We will have featured articles and interviews And more. Fashion,Music,Designers,All Sports,Books,Music & Movie Producers,Photography,Business + Lot's More
Touching on controversial topics, Urban Elements Magazine is a magazine that is formed through an urban landscape and mirrors our diverse world. It is the voice of a community of people in search of truths, excellence, & a better way of life.
Founded in 2010, Bronze is an inspirational and lifestyle magazine that celebrates, empowers and inspires women of color through positive content including beauty, fashion, interviews and lifestyle topics.
Fantasy Scroll Magazine is a bi-monthly e-zine featuring science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal short stories and interviews from speculative writers across the world. Our mission is to publish high-quality, entertaining, and thought-provoking speculative fiction from new and established writers.
Our magazines are guides (in french) about audio products : headphones, earphones, DAC (Digital Audio Converters), Hi-Fi and Home Cinema amplifiers, headphones amplifiers, loudpeakers, turntables... We are based in France and our website is www.On-Mag.fr, dedicated to High End Hi-Fi and Home Cinema products, or cool High tech, audio and video cool stuffs.
GAME & HUNT’s first edition was the December 1994 issue. It was then called SA WILD/GAME and the overall objective was to promote the South African Game Organisation (SAGO) and to be of service to the game rancher. Today on average 15 000 copies are sold en 2 500 subscribers en 17 600 printrun, Sales has already reached more than 20 000 some months and is growing. The magazine is aimed at the broad game industry in South Africa. The main role-players in the game industry, namely hunters, game ranchers and nature conservationists are served by GAME & HUNT with quality informative articles and columns covering fauna and flora; hunting and arms; game production and marketing; nature conservation and eco-destinations. The reader is also kept informed about industry news – locally and internationally.
HotBreath Magazine is The Premier Resource for the Smoke Shop Industry. Published bi-monthly, HotBreath features pertinent artists, trade show event coverage, glass art competitions, politics, business, and industry leading products.
Start Your Business India features the latest developments from the Indian Subcontinent including a unique insight into one of the world’s fastest growing economies.