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digital magazine Magasinet Norske Hjem publishing software

Magasinet Norske Hjem

Magasinet Norske Hjem gir deg inspirasjon, tips og råd om hvordan du tar vare på gamle hus og bevarer sjelen i din bolig! Norske Hjem er landets eneste interiørmagasin med kun norske artikler. Les om levende hjem med historie, om byggeskikk og arkitektur, godt håndverk og tidløs design. Engasjerte spaltister skriver om mat, kulturminner, gjenbruk, interiør, hus og hage i hver eneste utgave. Du finner også praktiske «slik-gjør-du»-artikler i bladet. Les f.eks. om hvordan du restaurerer gamle vinduer, få tips til maling, restaurering av ovner, legging av takstein, hvordan du flytter bygninger, anlegger en hagedam også videre. Som leser kan du sende inn spørsmål til magasinets ekspertpanel og annonsere gratis på bruktmarkedet for privatpersoner. Uansett om boligen din er stor eller liten, leid eller eid, fra 1700 eller 1960 vil du finne mye inspirasjon og få gode tips, både fra fagfolk og andre huseiere i magasinet. Velkommen som leser!

digital magazine Belgrade Insight publishing software

Belgrade Insight

Belgrade Insight is a biweekly and the only local English-language newspaper in the capital of Serbia. Belgrade Insight caters to the expat community, businesses and travelers in Belgrade by offering helpful information about the culture, travel, entertainment, daily politics and business.

digital magazine French Braid publishing software

French Braid

French Braid is a monthly editorial company magazine. Keep up with the latest fashions from NYC, LA, London, and Milan. Make sure to download our latest issues for new news in the Fashion Industry

digital magazine Exquisite Fusion Magazine publishing software

Exquisite Fusion Magazine

Exquisite Fusion Magazine is crafted with traditional and nontraditional insight on real world advice from our new creative contributing advice columnist the "e-Formation Queen" Carolyn Gray. The publication includes fashion reviews, entertainment, technology and a unique style that captivated audiences around the world. Readers can follow along and read about the epic story of this month's cover story R&B Singer Jebron. The magazine also has insight related to business related topics and topics that interest women and men alike.

digital magazine Winning Strategies Magazine publishing software

Winning Strategies Magazine

Winning Strategies is a monthly publication with Inspirational, Life Transforming, Self Discovery and Destiny Changing Piece. Our Vision is to provide accurate, contemporary, relevant and life transforming information that will add concrete value to the life of our readers across the globe

digital magazine Pööning publishing software


Ajakiri Pööning räägib ajalooga majadest ja aedadest, disainiklassikast ja restaureerimisest, toidu ajaloost. Pööningu autorid on oma ala parimad meistrid. Pööning on tehtud kire ja meisterlikkusega, mille igast numbrist tasub osa saada. The magazine Pööning (An Attic) and English version Estonian Heritage Today focuses on the introduction, preservation and misuse of the Estonian national heritage, and is targeted to a wider audience. Pööning focuses on houses with history, restoration, historical garden design, design classics, traditional handicraft and masters etc.

digital magazine Self Build Homes publishing software

Self Build Homes

Self Build Homes is the perfect magazine for anyone interested in self building, whether they are casually thinking the possibility of starting their own self-build project, are in the middle of a build at present, or are a veteran of numerous self-build homes.

digital magazine YOGA COSMIC SYSTEM 能力覚醒独習法 publishing software


シュレーディンガーそして21世紀サイエンスをとおして、朝比奈桐子がYOGAの真実を説く『YOGA COSMIC SYSTEM』。5000年の歴史を生き抜いてきたYOGAは、人の能力を極限まで引き出すためのシステムだ。脳そのものを覚醒させて、本気で能力開発に挑むなら“本物”のYOGAに自分自身を賭けたい。美容・健康用のアレンジ・ヨーガではない“本物”だからこそ、裏切られることはない。 ◆第1章 認識とは何か? 脳の働きと身体の状態が、いつも明快に把握できるようなレッスン。職場で、自宅で、きままに独習できる簡易なポーズと呼吸法。手軽に生活をチューンナップしながら、気付かないうちに能力が呼び覚まされていくのが魅力だ。 ◆第2章 意識と身体をひとつにする 集中力を高める24種類のポーズを、システマティックに身に付けていく。身体の表皮、末端から中枢神経へアタック。脳神経細胞の覚醒とともに、発想の飛びや広がり、緻密な構成力とダイナミックな構築力が生まれる。 ◆第3章 「瞑想」超越、0・1の彼方へ 瞑想の真実を、リアルに、多面的に、知ることができる。1歩、1段階ずつ、確実にステップを踏んで、オカルトでない超越体験!“実存”体験者として生き、仕事を展開していく充実が味わえる。



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