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Month: May 2014

DoodleeBooks: A New Canvas for Interactive Kids Books on iPad

Few months ago we posted an article about children’s publishing, and how easy it is to publish a brilliant children’s book on iPad with PressPad, right from a PDF file. If you, however, are thinking about bringing your book for children to life in more game-like interactive manner and with beautiful voice-over then you want to get to know more about DoodleeBooks.

How To Hire a Freelance Writer – The Myths and Truths

Finding a great writing staff can seem as elusive as the mythical Phoenix, but it doesn’t have to be. In this guest post Melissa of “This Freelancer Life” digital magazine provides a glimpse into the process of hiring the right people for your digital publishing venture.

How to Sell Your Digital Magazine The Amazon Way

Selling digital goods is sometimes tricky because it’s hard to apply sales patterns from the physical world to the mobile world.

One of the best ways of doing this is by looking at the successful companies selling similar goods much better than any of their competitors. Amazon is so successful in the field of selling digital goods that it’s reasonable to see if there’s anything we can learn from them to make our publishers’ lives easier. In this article, I’m going to unveil one of the biggest of Amazon’s secrets, that makes their digital content sell better.

Getting on My Game Face: a Behind-the-scenes Look at Starting a Digital Magazine by Melissa Van Hoorne

The following article is a guest post by Melissa Van Hoorne. Melissa is a freelance Executive Assistant and Editor and Co-founder of “This Freelancer Life”, an innovative mobile digital magazine for freelancers, by freelancers. She’ll go over an important aspects of digital magazine preparation, and what you should consider when starting a digital magazine from scratch.

How To Boost The Number of Installs of Your Digital Magazine Mobile App

Before you start selling genuine content hidden behind the pay-wall, the way mobile magazine publishers do, you must take the first step on the sales path, which is increasing the app installs rate. In this article you will learn how to increase the number of organic app installs of your digital magazine’s mobile app.