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Month: November 2021

Sell Stories, Not Products. How Digital Magazines Become a Way to Succeed in E-commerce

Digital magazines have ceased to be products created only by publishers as we traditionally understand them. The rise of digital publishing platforms has made more and more non-publishers brands are preparing and distributing online publications independently. As time moves on, the line between the business world and publishing is blurring. This heralds an exciting new chapter of engaging customers in more innovative and creative ways, in accordance with the principle, every company is a media company today.

This phenomenon is observed primarily in the e-commerce industry. Entrepreneurs have noticed that selling products digitally cannot be complete without offering proper online content, while social media channels or blogs are definitely not enough to achieve satisfactory sales results today. Digital magazine has become a solution helping to meet these needs.

If you’re running (or planning to run) an e-commerce store and thinking about extending your content strategy this article is for you. It answers a few basic questions. Does publishing digital magazines by e-commerce is only a temporary trend or a solid long-term strategy? How do well-known brands manage their online publications? What is the recipe for success?

If you’re curious to know the answers, read further.