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Author: Paulina Kubala-Chuchnowska


A Flexible Paywall in the PressPad News Apps — Innovation or Revelation to the News Publishing Industry?

PressPad, a digital publishing technology company supports magazine publishers since 2011. Now, they are on their way to innovate business models in the news publishing industry with a better paywall implementation.

“How to monetize online content?” — This evergreen question may finally get the correct answer.

Does It Pay to Use a Paywall?

The integral part of the publishers’ life is devising a business plan leading to monetizing content. One of the most successful strategies is a paywall, which is used by the most influential world newspapers, niche magazines, and WordPress publishers.

Newspapers like “The New York Times”, “The Daily Mail” or “The Wall Street Journal” have successfully generated income through a method of limited access. How is it possible that this way based on paid subscriptions achieved success in the age of immediate, quick and free admission to news and information?

Digital Publishing Course — Become a Better Publisher with PressPad

As a publisher, you understand that the success of your publication base on the knowledge. In most cases, publishing is a business venture. And as such it requires many skills built upon the knowledge from many walks of life: marketing, sales, IT and many others.

We help publishers in their journey since 2011.

During that time we have observing digital challenges faced by all type of publishers. It is not just about a choice between different publishing strategies and marketing tactics. It is also about keeping up with digital trends and being one step ahead of the competition.

Our goal is sharing knowledge to make publishers’ digital journey easier and more effective.

Over 10 000 App Installs. How to Promote a Mobile App to Achieve That Much?

Yes, you did it! Congratulations! You have decided to run your own mobile app for an online magazine! In the age of mobile devices users, an app is more than just a popular tool. It is a way to get more readers, expand the business, grow your brand and make real money. How to achieve all that?

Let’s start at the very beginning. You probably know that the content you create can be distributed through different channels: print magazines, social media, websites, emails. A mobile application can become an additional source of a global audience and extra income. Why am I using the phrase “can become” instead of simply “is”?

Every mobile application has a big potential, you just need to dig it out.

How to Create and Promote a Profitable Online Magazine?

Have you ever wondered if creating and running your own digital magazine is a good, profitable idea, should it be a part of your growth strategy and can you monetize it? The answer to all these questions is: yes.

Easy to say? It will be best if you can find out for yourself in a moment.

Digital magazine publishing is a business venture that often involves the construction of a new team and a certain organizational structure. We would like to draw your attention to some of the activities related to the publishing process: creating attractive magazine features and effective issues promoting.

Step to Better Decision Making. PressPad News Introduces Advanced Analytics for Blog Apps

Real-time analytics and easy-to-understand dashboards are an important tool in the modern publishers’ toolbox. Now it is also a part of PressPad News platform.

If someone asked me, what is the most important thing in running their own company, I would say that it is not business acumen and experience, as many people would think. Both come with time. What about intuition? It is based on the analysis of trends and the needs of your market niche.

So where is the secret of making right business decisions?

What is in common for successful brands is data analysis. Companies such as Google and Amazon prove how data mining could make business better.

Be Successful, Be Digital. Your Publishing Challenges Vs Our PressPad Solutions

Many publishers wonder if it is worth having a mobile app instead of a website, what’s the best way to sell an online magazine and what benefits can digital publishing bring.

Well, one obvious answer would be saving lots of trees.

And now more seriously.

New Tools for WordPress Publishers and Content Producers — PressPad News Update

There are lots of tools for WordPress. PressPad News focuses on content and our new tools for content producers help them achieve their business goals.

The ongoing development and improvement process of mobile publishing accompanies us from the beginning. New features in the mobile applications platform we created for WordPress publishers enable opportunities to monetize on mobile, improve communication with readers and improve quality of the Internet traffic to the content.

Online Publishing Free Consultation for Bloggers, Web Magazines, and Content Marketers

During development of PressPad we used the knowledge from the other more experienced people and brands. They were mentoring us. It’s been quite a time of intensive learning. Now, it’s time for this to work the other way.

If you are a magazine publisher, blogger or the news publisher, see what we’ve prepared for you.

How to Unleash the Secret Power of Your WordPress Blog for the Mobile Users

Do you run a web magazine or a blog? You can achieve brilliant results with your online business if it can be experienced as a mobile app.

Your digital marketing journey has never been so ready for this kind of medium.

To make it easier, we prepared one of a kind digital marketing guide for bloggers and online publishers. This free cookbook is all about the app marketing basics which can help you with promoting your content.

With this guide, you will go through the following spheres of interest:

10 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic and Readership

The development of new technologies has enabled the sharing of content and information on a huge scale. Willingness to share might increase the referral traffic if well implemented on your blog.

Today, we can publish news and information visible for thousands of readers in a very short time. It’s possible because the number of media channels and various technologies that help to increase your reach is still growing. The situation becomes more complicated when you want to not only reach these groups but also to encourage them to keep with us and constantly increase traffic to your website.